Choose Your Experience

Practice inhabiting the space of your body, through an immersive experience.

Stand Up Paddle or Kayak

Find your edge. A perfect experience of movement and stillness - as you attune to fundamental consciousness by inhabiting the space of your body - on your board or in a kayak - on the water.

Cross Country Ski or Walk/Hike at the Lake

Come out to Sturbridge, Massachusetts - and experience the beauty, stillness and movement of nature, as you inhabit the space in your body and all around you.

Music Performances

Learn to listen from the space of fundamental consciousness, and hear and enjoy with your whole body.

Conscious Creative Expression

Make art, learn hand lettering, design your own cards. An abundance of creative supplies awaits in my studio - for you to choose your expression.

Travel: Glacier National Park, Montana & Surrounding Areas

Our national parks are genuine treasures that beckon. Plenty of opportunities for gentle walks, or challenging hikes - all while inhabiting the internal space of the body.

Travel: Kauai, Hawaii

Experience the island’s beauty, aloha spirit and extraordinary vibration. Connect with yourself; connect with a friend. Hike amazing trails and meditate on pristine beaches and at extraordinary sites.

TRAVEL: Mary Magdalene Cave & Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, Southern France

Explore the area where some say Mary Magdalene traveled, lived and taught after Jesus’ death.

Contact Barbara for more information.

Step back

from your life

as you know it.

  • Return to your life - refreshed, renewed, empowered and more fully inhabiting the space of your body and attuned to fundamental consciousness.

  • You’ll gain tools and practices you can implement immediately, to live more fully: from the depth of your Being & the fullness of your Humanity.